welcome christmas

The kiddos are not yet all home from university. The tree is several days away from its finding, chopping, hauling and trimming. The cards are still being written, packages still being wrapped. A list of our favourite home-baked goods has been made, the ticking off of which is in the works. But, the shopping is done, the parcels sent, the turkey ordered and perhaps most significantly, my sanity and good humour are very much in tact. It's been years since the hustle and bustle translated merely to stress and frenzy. Years since we pared it all down, simplified to what really mattered. It's always been the most wonder-full time of the year in my books, but now that comfort and joy have truly taken center stage in all that we choose to do for the season, I can say it with a relaxed brow and easy breath...welcome Christmas, come this way.