full hearts

Last month I had occasion to spend some time with my middle kiddo who is living, working and studying in Alberta. This one has always moved full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes, and break down {or bounce off} the walls {literally} if need be to get where she's headed. I have always known she is meant for the big ol' world. But, she has some pretty strong home-body tendencies too...so to be a guest in her home and treated to her hospitality while witnessing her adeptly manage a myriad of challenges and responsibilities was quite a thrill. We squeezed in the perfect amount of girl time...chatting, dining, shopping...and on our final morning together while we shared a cup of tea I seized the opportunity to capture a few shots of this whirling dervish. Her days and life are incredibly full, but her heart is even more so...and that about makes my heart burst. #5minuteproject