a lot like home

Well, hello. I've been quiet here these last few months, in this on-line space, I know. But life in my off-line space, or spaces, has been far from quiet. Here's the short version...

In August we made the decision to sell our sweet island home.

In September we listed, and sold, and found an equally sweet landing spot in the city.

In October we packed up, pared down, and moved.

In November we unpacked and sorted and further pared down (again and again and again), and began to settle in, to shape a life in this new place, this next stage.

And now, well, now here we be. Life is pretty well sorted, or as sorted as it might ever be. Sure there are a few more boxes to tend to, a few more pictures to be hung, and a rather large stack of papers and mail screaming to be filed, or tossed. But, we are reaching the proverbial end of the tunnel, and yes, there is light. Lots of lovely light. And given the shortness of these December days, it resonates all the more. We are resuming regular daily routines and rhythms, as well as eagerly embracing the spirit and traditions of the season. In fact, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, and it's beginning to feel a lot like home too.